crossorigin="anonymous"> Design and Manufacture Services | The Natural Workshop
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Professional Idea Makers...

Sounds corny, right? If you are looking for someone you can trust to bring those ideas to life then you are in the right spot...

Frequently, we are asked about the scope of our workshop's capabilities. Are we carpenters, sign makers, furniture makers, or product designers and manufacturers? Do we specialize in painting products, cutting acrylic, or working solely with timber?


The truth is, we do it all. From the first stages of material selection and design to manufacture, painting, and shipping, our team has the skills and resources to manage the entire process. One of the most gratifying aspects of our work is acting as an "idea maker" for our clients. A couple of magicians once approached us with a rough concept, sketched on the back of a napkin, that they wanted to turn into a new trick. With a small budget and limited run, they needed a creative partner to bring their vision to life. After a few days of collaborative work, we delivered a product that exceeded their expectations.


This is what we do best!


Whether you represent a small business that requires custom or low-volume products, or a large international design or event company, we have the capabilities and experience to meet your needs. Our work has graced a variety of spaces, including Girton College, Cambridge University, where we partnered with JN Admin & Events to produce bespoke hanging art pieces still in use at recent events. In addition, we created lettering for a punt that was displayed as part of their entry display. At the United Nations in New York, we designed and produced acrylic table and wall art for another JN Admin & Events event.


We also collaborated with a National Design House to create 800 menu boards for a new restaurant chain that opened in central London. With the same client, we manufactured numerous bespoke wooden signs, which are now on display in high-end spas throughout London. Recently, we delivered 85 custom menu blocks to a high-end food court at the client's request.


We are not boasting, but rather highlighting our ability to handle complex, high-end projects on tight schedules. We are aware of the challenges businesses face when searching for new suppliers in the present market, where it can be difficult to distinguish between reputable professionals and unscrupulous operators. That is why we encourage you to schedule a visit to our workshop to discuss your specific needs with our team.

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